Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Woodcutter and tiger

Once upon time when the woodcutter was chopping a tree, a fierce tiger appeared.He had a bright idea and said the tiger was anyone but his long lost brother who turned into a tiger after going into the forest and never coming home.The tiger felt sad not knowing he was taken in and said that he didn't want to show the mother his fiercesome looks.He just told the woodcutter to take good care of his mother and let him go.Afterwards,the tiger brought wild boars and rabbits to the woodcutter's hut. The woodcutter and his mother could live happily ever after.One day, the mother passed away.The woodcutter was so sad and found the tiger also dying beside his mother tomb.The tiger said that there was no reason for him to live in this world anymore since his mother has died.The tearful woodcutter buried the tiger by his mother.The woodcutter learned something great from the tiger.

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