Thursday, June 11, 2009

Mango and Pikpik

When I was in Korea, I had two pets. One of those is a dog and his name is Mango. The other one is a cat and her name is Pikpik. They have been growing together since they were babies. They have a interesting story. They used to love each other. Often when I leave the house, Pikpik passed food from table to Mango. When we went to a walk Mango protected Pikpik from other dogs. When they became adult pets, they seem that they really love each other. I remember one day. I saw that Mango and Pikpik were having a love time. After the day I kept trying to stop them doing it. However it only made them want each other more and more. So I finally decided to understand them. When they want to love each other, I leave them alone in a room. When I go into the room a day after they have a love time, Mango always breathes hard and Pikpik is lay down and there are so much hairs in the room. It is a lie that dogs and cats hate each other! And this is a true story!